Rook v1.0 Adds Support for Ceph Nautilus, EdgeFS, and NFS Operator


Rook was the first storage project accepted into the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), and it helps storage administrators to automate everyday tasks like provisioning, configuration, disaster recovery, deployment, and upgrading storage providers. Rook turns a distributed file system into storage services that scale and heal automatically by leveraging the Kubernetes features with the operator pattern. When administrators use Rook with a storage provider like Ceph, they only have to worry about declaring the desired state of the cluster and the operator will be responsible for setting up and configuring the storage layer in the cluster.

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Cloud Security Alliance Releases New Threat List

Cloud Security Alliance has unveiled its Top Threats to Cloud Computing: Egregious Elevenreport, which lists the top 11 cybersecurity problems facing cloud computing users. It is the first major update to the list since 2016, when Alliance released the Treacherous 12, although it has released reports taking a deep dive into the threats with case studies in the interim.

Data breaches still top the list, unmoved since 2016. Other perennial threats remaining on the list from last time are poor identity management, insecure APIs, account hijacking, insider threats and the abuse and nefarious use of cloud services.

That leaves room for five new threats.


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Solution Partner for Cloud Technology

Cloudibility is now Solution Partner for the Cloud offerings from SUSE

Cloudibility, a Berlin-based startup, is focused on cloud technology expertise and offers for cloud enablement, coaching, training, consulting, knowledge transfer – platform-agnostically. This makes Cloudibility the perfect partner for SUSE. As a result, Cloudibility became the newest Solution Partner of SUSE for four areas of expertise:

– SUSE OpenStack Cloud

– SUSE Enterprise Storage

– SUSE CaaS Platform


Cloudibility uses its cloud-native know-how and its experiences in public- as well as hybrid- and private cloud environments to provide professional services, management, trainings and workshops on these SUSE-products. Customers expect and demand independent consultancy and passionate cloud expertise – and Cloudibility delivers that on a day-by-day basis. And not only SUSE benefits from Cloudibility´s expertise also the various other partners like RedHat, Morpheus and the Open Telecom Cloud.

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Kata Containers, Zuul Graduates As OpenStack’s Ist Infrastructure Projects

The OpenStack Foundation (OSF) has announced that former projects Kata Containers and Zuul have exited their pilot phase to become the first top-level Open Infrastructure Projects of the Foundation.

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Three Days Container Festival in the Port of Hamburg

ContainerDays 2019 in Hamburg

From 24 to 26 June 2019, the fourth edition of ContainerDays will take place on the premises of the Hafenmuseum Hamburg. For this year the organizer Loodse expects up to a thousand container enthusiasts from all over the world.


To kick off on 24 June, there will be a workshop day on which participants will be able to learn how to use container technologies in a very practical way. The actual conference will then take place on 25 and 26 June. With speakers such as Craig McLuckie, co-founder of the Kubernetes project, Ihor Dvoretskyi, Developer Advocate of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation, and many more, ContainerDays will once again bring internationally leading experts to the stage this year. And of course the certain festival character with foodtrucks and chillout lounges, which makes up ContainerDays, should not be missing. So the trip to Hamburg is definitely worth it.

A little fun fact at the end: the former free port area where the conference takes place was once the largest and most modern transshipment facility in the city. However, in the 1960s, containers started to appear and both, the shed and the harbour basin, became too small for the new container ships. In shipping, too, containers were a revolutionary technology that brought about many exciting changes.

– More information about the programme and tickets can be found at


Cloudibility discount offer:

to get a 20% discount on your Container Days ticket:

go to the ContainerDaysShop and use this code: #CDS19_THANKS@CLOUDIBILITY

Digitalisierung: Deutschland international in der Spitzengruppe

Studie zeigt auffällige Diskrepanz: In der Digitalisierung rangiert Deutschland international in der Spitzengruppe – hinkt aber bei vielen gefühlt hinterher.

Deutschlands digitaler Reifegrad ist weitaus besser, als viele Kritiker vermuten. Zugleich existiert hierzulande eine große Diskrepanz zwischen der tatsächlichen und der „gefühlten“ Digitalisierung: So erreicht Deutschland im internationalen Vergleich unter 118 Ländern einen guten sechsten Platz 6. Zugleich geben fast zwei Drittel der Deutschen an, dass sie die Bundesrepublik international im unteren Drittel oder schlechter einschätzen (62 Prozent).

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KI, Edge Computing, DevOps, Cloud – Die IT-Trends bis 2024 von IDC

In den kommenden fünf Jahren werden durch mehr Entwickler, agile Methoden und intensive Wiederverwendung von Code insgesamt 500 Millionen neue Anwendungen erstehen – so viele wie in den vergangenen 40 Jahren zusammen.
– Bis 2024 werden KI-unterstützte Benutzeroberflächen und Prozessautomatisierung ein Drittel der heutigen bildschirmbasierten Anwendungen ersetzen.
– Bis 2022 werden die verfügbaren Talente und Mitarbeiter für moderne Technologien nicht einmal 30 Prozent der weltweiten Nachfrage decken können.
– Bis 2024 wird die Entwickler-Community weltweit um 30 Prozent wachsen – getrieben durch eine „neue Art“ professioneller Entwickler.
– Bis 2023 werden 75 Prozent der gesamten IT-Ausgaben in Technologien der Dritten Plattform der IT (Cloud, Mobile, Big Data & Analytics, Social, KI, AR/VR, IoT, Robotics, 3D Print, Next Gen Security) fließen.

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Digitalisierung : Deutschland muss lernen, völlig anders zu denken

Längst entstehen digitale Supermächte: China und die USA haben erkannt, dass Einfluss hat, wem die Daten gehören und wer führend in künstlicher Intelligenz ist. Und wir?
Digitalisierung: Der humanoide Roboter Pepper auf der Cebit 2017
Der humanoide Roboter Pepper auf der Cebit 2017 © Krisztian Bocsi/Bloomberg/Getty Images

Vor der Partie gegen das Computerprogramm AlphaGo zeigte sich der südkoreanische Großmeister Lee Sedol 2016 siegessicher: Er werde “haushoch” gewinnen, sagte der Profispieler des asiatischen Brettspiels Go. Doch es sollte anders kommen: Die von Google Deepmind entwickelte künstliche Intelligenz besiegte ihn. Wenig später trat der beste chinesische Spieler Ke Jie gegen den speziell für das asiatische Brettspiel entwickelten Algorithmus an. Und verlor ebenfalls.

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