
the cloud report is conducting and recording several interviews – nowadays mostly virtually, but before the shutdown at events like the Container Days – here you find them!

And if you ever wanted to understand cybersecurity, in our newest series Securing Cyberspace we take a deep and holistic view on cybersecurity in theory, daily life problems and solutions.

the cloud report was sponsoring two webcasts: and cloud cast in German – find out more here!

Securing Cyberspace

– Security – Cloud Computing – Open Source

In this series we provide an holistic view on security, by focusing and discussing relevant topics in the area of cloud computing. All topics are elucidated in theory, and in real-world examples. Further, we advice open source solutions, if available.

Episode 7: Key Management – Case: Interview with Prof. Yehuda Lindell

Episode 4: Key Management – Theory

Episode 5: Key Management – Requirements

Episode 6: Security Scorecard

Episode 1: Security
Episode 2: Cloud Computing
Episode 3: Open Source & Security



the cloud report is interviewing different people about all the topics around cloud: open source, Kubernetes, DevOps, OpenStack, New Work and communication with clients, aaS, sustainability, data-sovereignty and so many more!

Interview with Robert Lindner, Country Manager, Red Hat Germany
Sovereign Cloud Stack – Interview with Kurt Garloff and Felix Kronlage-Dammers
Orchestration tools compared
What GAIA X really is
Sustainability and Energy Efficiency in Europe
Interview with Brian Gracely  from RedHat
Vanilla News – March 2021
Vanilla News – the first
Interview with the maintainers of the VanillaStack project
Interview with Archis Gore (Polyverse) and Dr. Jurlind Budurushi (Cloudical)


Interview with Amith Nair from HashiCorp
Interview with Sören from Mineiros
Interview with David de Santo from GitLab
Interview with Thierry Carrez


Introducing VanillaStack – Interview with Karsten Samaschke  from Cloudical
Introducing VanillaStack – (german) Interview with Kim-Norman Sahm, CTO of Cloudical
Interview with Sebastian from Kubermatic


Statement at the Container Days – Jefta van der Woerd
Statement at the Container Days – Matthias Häussler
Statement at the Container Days – Karsten Samaschke
Statement at the Container Days – Frank Prechtel
Statement at the Container Days – Matthias Wessendorf
Statement at the Container Days – Ihor Dvoretskyi is all about technology and our technological environment. Karsten Samaschke and Christopher Branston discuss current developments and issues. We strip off all corporate rules and discuss openly, freely and controversial. Occasionally, we are joined by interesting guests. – open-source, clouds, development, personality, bad jokes – live #10: Friday Ketchup! #9: We’re not iterative, we’re repetitive! #8: First Byte Edition with a Linux Smartphone Community #7: The Microwave as the Trojan Horse of Privacy #6: Open-Source vs. Digital Idiots #5: Privacy, Privacy and Privacy #4: A Jingle for Privacy, the Dark Web and the DEA #3: Securing Corona freedom!


CLOUDcast is the new weekly web and podcast about cloud, technology, security, social media and socially relevant topics. We discuss current news and developments and point out trends with exciting guests. In German language.

CLOUDcast – Cloud, Technology, Security, Social Media, Society

CLOUDcast #5: USB-C, olé olé!
CLOUDcast #4: ARM, Intel und OpenPower
CLOUDcast #3: Authentizität und Wahrhaftigkeit 
CLOUDcast #2: Darum Multicloud!
CLOUDcast #1: Gaia-X