Category: Uncategorized

Sovereignty at GAIA-X also through open source software  

One of GAIA-X’s main goals is to restore data sovereignty in Europe when using cloud technology. US hyperscalers, for example, are subject to the US Cloud Act, which enables US authorities to enforce the release of data stored in data centers in Europe. This is contrary to European law and the GDPR. At the beginning of 2019 it was still being considered to build a European hyperscaler, but it was finally decided to create solutions with standards that would give European users more sovereignty. In order to enforce more EU law in Europe, GAIA-X will require certificates that prove that the GDPR is applied to personal data and not the US Cloud Act. 

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Docker support is being deprecated in Kubernetes, but not completely

From version 1.20 onwards, Kubernetes will no longer support Docker in the same way it did before. But while some admins were quick to panic, the change is not as drastic as it might sound.

In the Kubernetes 1.20 release notes, the container orchestrator said “Docker support in the kubelet is now deprecated and will be removed in a future release.”

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Game-Changer VanillaCloud: Open Source Cloud based on Kubernetes guarantees Openness, Transparency und non-proprietary Technologies

Cloudical, a Berlin-based cloud-native company and inventor of VanillaStack, today announced the soft launch of the VanillaCloud.  Cloudical now completes the vision of VanillaStack with a complementary cloud offering: VanillaCloud makes VanillaStack, a complete open source enterprise cloud stack, available as a GDPR-compliant public cloud solution.

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The 5 Biggest Cloud Computing Trends In 2021 (a Forbes list)

The events of 2020 have turned most predictions for 2021 on their head. Top trends such as artificial intelligence (AI) and the internet of things (IoT) will still define the ways in which tech reshapes our lives in the next year. However, the most significant use cases now involve helping us to adapt and survive in the changing times we are living through.

No trend is more relevant to this than cloud computing. Cloud is the backbone of the data-driven, app-based tech ecosystem that has been vital in helping us manage this change. Everything from contact tracing to home delivery services, remote medicine, and working (and playing) from home has been revolutionized by cloud services.

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New Impulses for Cloud Computing from Europe

The information platform for IT, digitization, business for the future Bytes for Business is publishing regularly out-of-the-box tips and presents important content for the European digitization market.

This week seven start-ups from Germany are introduced which are working innovatively in cloud computing. During the crisis of this year the cloud market has grown and cloud computing increased in an unexpected way. At the same time the European Union cut the privacy shield, so global cloud usage at the big global cloud provider is not an opportunity for European companies anymore. Another solution is needed.

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