Test Results 2/2019

And the winners are …

As with every edition, our team looked into many different aspects of several cloud providers. We analyzed their pros and cons, discussed our experiences, and decided for the winner in several categories. Interestingly, we found out that none of the vendors we tested would not be recommendable – each one has specific strengths and (of course) potential for improvements. We were especially impressed by the performance of smaller and / or not so-well-known cloud vendors, such as Open Telekom Cloud: Often they offer comparable performance and sometimes even more options than their bigger competitors, com-
bined with more personal support and very reasonable pricing. That being said, let’s look into the winners. And don’t forget to check out our detailed comparison tables on the next pages for more details!


You can see, each one of our vendors has his strengths. From our perspective there is no right or wrong considering cloud vendors nowadays, there is only a matter of needs and their fulfillment by a vendor. The best thing is:
Nowadays, multi-cloud-approaches can be implemented as easy as never before, allowing for a the-right-tool-for-the-job-approach and preventing from vendor lock-ins.
And these are good news for 2019!
The tests were ranked by Alexander Trost.


Tests 2/2019:


Backup/Recory and Availability

PDF: Backup_Recovery and Availability


PDF: Compute (1)

Databases (DBaaS)

PDF: Databases (DBaaS)


PDF: IaaS_PaaS_ SaaS-Patch-Management


PDF: Network (1)


PDF: Security (1)


PDF: Storage (1)