
“Security by Design” and “Developer first” as approaches of GITLAB. Cindy introduces the offerings of automation tools to develop secure code quickly. GITLAB enables and empowers developers to join DevSecOps by using automation, open source and security knowledge. The tools help testing APIs and finding vulnerabilities before the code goes into production. But there are still a lot of challenges…

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Short interview with cloud security expert Jurlind Budurushi from Cloudical

Securing the infrastructure, platforms, processes, and data is one of the most important topics in cloud computing. the cloud report interviewed cloud security experts about the challenging year 2020, how this year of digitization affected cloud security, and their expectations and solutions for 2021.

read the interview here

European Companies signed the Climate Neutral Data Center Pact and promise to gain this goal within 9 years!

How this can be achieved, what needs to be done, what is already done, and how this corresponds with digitization the cloud report asked Dr. Béla Waldhauser. And he answers openly and gives insights of the German business landscape, politics, prices, plans and good ideas.

Watch the interview here

Short interview with cloud security expert Archis Gore from Polyverse

Securing the infrastructure, platforms, processes and data is one of the most important topics in cloud computing. the cloud report interviewed cloud security experts about the challenging year 2020, how this year of digitization affected cloud security, and their expectations and solutions for 2021.

read the interview here

Securing the infrastructure, platforms, processes and data is one of the most important topics in cloud computing. the cloud report interviewed cloud security experts about the challenging year 2020, how this year of digitization affected cloud security, and their expectations and solutions for 2021.

read the interview here

An interview with Amith Nair

Around the time of KubeCon & CloudNativeCon Virtual 2020 the cloud report had the opportunity to talk with Amith Nair, Vice President Product Marketing at HashiCorp, about automation, what a company can do for cloud-native development and get to the heart of open source.

Read the interview here

“I would never tell our  employees or customers something that is not true”

read the interview here

Interview with Regis Louis, Vice President Cloud Strategy EMEA

Read the interview here

The cloud report had the opportunity to talk with Kim-Norman Sahm, CTO of Cloudical, about the way cloud computing is going, open source and avoiding vendor lock-in.

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The cloud report conducted five short interviews with five people from the cloud and container technology environment and asked five questions. The fives interview was with Simon Pearce, Product Owner and Team Lead at SysEleven. 

Reac the interview here

The cloud report conducted five short interviews with five people from the cloud and container technology environment and asked five questions. The fourth interview was with Brent Schroeder, CTO of SUSE 

Read the interview here

Container technology –

Interview with Markus Eisele

The cloud report conducted five short interviews with five people from the cloud and container technology environment and asked five questions. The third interview was with Markus Eisele, Developer Adoption Program Lead EMEA, Red Hat 

Read the interview here

Container technology –

Interview with Hendrik Land

The cloud report conducted five short interviews with five people from the cloud and container technology environment and asked five questions. The second interview was with Hendrik Land, Solutions Architect at NetApp. 

Read the interview here

Container technology –

Interview with Julian Hansert

The cloud report conducted five short interviews with five people from the cloud and container technology environment and asked five questions. The first interview was with Julian Hansert, COO at Kubermatic. 

Read the interview here

How we could deal with changing situations

The current situation forces a lot of people, companies and other organizations to change their work processes, tools, collaboration models, and the mindset. Home-office and mostly virtual contacts not only affect the work situation, but also the mental conditions. I had the opportunity to talk to a mental and somatic coach who is dealing with all these aspects in her daily professional life:

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Interview with data journalist Sebastian Vollnhals

The first time I encountered a password was when my four years older sister tried to prevent me from entering her secret play bunk. Upsettingly enough she didn’t give the password to me and I was locked out. As an adult however, I use passwords every day for many purposes: logging into accounts, retrieving my emails, accessing applications, databases, networks, websites, and also my subscriptions. Moreover, this is the case for every typical computer user.

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An Interview with Chip Childers, who is the co­founder of the Cloud Foundry Foundation and has been its Chief Technology Officer since 2016, now he is the Executive Director of the Foundation. During his visit in Berlin, we had the opportunity to meet up with him and get insight into the organization. What are they up to and what is to come?

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An Interview with SUSE CEO Melissa di Donato

In this interview, Melissa explains how her style of leadership matches perfectly with the vision of open source, the role of women in tech leadership and how fierce collaboration inspires SUSE and its customers.

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The Cloud Report talked with Sven Anderson, a senior project manager with a lot of practical experiences and tricks.

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Marco Görgmaier gives insights into the BMW Group’s cloud approach

The Cloud Report had the opportunity to talk with Marco Görgmaier, Head of DevOps Plat- form and Cloud Technologies at BMW Group, about cloud strategy, technology, implementation, and the future.

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At the German OpenStack Days – DOST – The Cloud Report had the opportunity to talk with Mark Collier, COO of the OpenStack Foundation and one of the founders of OpenStack.

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Birgit Hess is the Cloud Security Awareness Lead Europe at SAP. A very interesting title, but what does it entail and what can we learn from her? I had the opportunity to check in with Birgit Hess after her participation at the SAP data kitchen in Berlin and ask a few questions.

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With the merger of Dentsply and Sirona in 2016, the company has become the world’s largest manufacturer of dental products and technologies in the field of dentistry and dental technology.

We discussed how Dentsply Sirona leveraged the opportunities of digital transformation in medical equipment.

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At the SUSECON 2019 in Nashville, Tennessee, I got the possibility to talk with the former CEO of SUSE Nils Brauckman about open source, cloud tech- nology, possibilities and opportunities in the IT world.

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Cloud computing creates great possibilities which need to be used wisely. Agiliy is one way to use them well. I spoke with Felix Evert, Head of Enterprise and agile Consulting at the Cloudical, about the opportunities an organization can realize taking the agile journey.

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Dark Horse Innovation enables organizations to utilize the market potentials of the digital age. “We create user-centered products and services and transform structures, processes and minds to empower our clients to be more innovative.” Torben Lohmüller talked to me about the changes in the world of work and New Work.

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“Our vision with the Hybrid Thinking Academy is to give people a more empowering professional training experience. We want them to complete the learning journey with new skills and the confidence to make their own decisions. We want to equip people to become problem solvers for a complex world – no more “copy paste”!”

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Kim-Norman Sahm is Head of Cloud Technology and Chief Evangelist at Cloudical and an expert on OpenStack, Ceph and Kubernetes. As a typical Ops-Guy he is in Storage at home and has already implemented several Ceph projects. 

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Das in Berlin beheimatete Unternehmen bietet Managed Hosting an und bewegt sich damit auch in der „Cloud-Welt“. Für ihre Kunden machen sie alles, was sie anbieten, selbst und ihre Server stehen BSI-zertifiziert in Deutschland. Das war Grund genug für uns, sie kennenlernen zu wollen.

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Cloudical ist unter anderem Herausgeber von The Cloud Report, sie ist aber viel mehr und macht viele andere Dinge im Cloud-Umfeld. Über das Wer und Was und Warum unterhielt ich mich mit den Gründern und CEOs der Cloudibility: Michael Dombek und Karsten Samaschke.

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