
on: Big 3 Public Cloud Providers Continue Their Explosive Growth

“Undoubtedly, 2020 was a record-breaking year for cloud computing. This was largely driven by restrictions necessitated by the pandemic which fuelled demand for cloud services needed to enable remote working and learning, as well as content streaming, e-commerce and online gaming, to name just a few. The tech sector has seen mounting growth in demand for its services long before 2020, of course, but the pandemic massively accelerated that growth, and that’s had an effect on the cloud jobs market too. As cloud adoption is on the rise, more and more enterprises are looking for cloud experts and upping their spending on public cloud services.

The spiking demand for cloud professionals, and with this Azure professionals too, is creating both an opportunity and a challenge. The sector has been looking for solutions to the digital skills gap for years, and increasing demand makes competition for talent tougher than ever before. As the skills needed from a post-Covid workforce have evolved, many people have had to consider changing jobs and re-skilling so that they can deliver the skill set that employers want in the current landscape.

Understandably, this is going to result in a rise in people looking to re-skill or get certified in cloud technologies so they can take advantage of the mounting number of career opportunities that the cloud sector has to offer. Upskilling and re-skilling will be one of the leading trends in 2021 in the world of work, as professionals endeavour to capitalize on the high demand for cloud talent.”