Test Results 4/2020

As with every edition, we are testing several cloud vendors and look into many different aspects of their offerings. This time we have tested AWS, Microsoft Azure, the Google Cloud, the IBM Cloud, the Open Telekom Cloud and OVH. We analyze their pros and cons, discuss our experiences, and decide for the winner in all categories. 

The pattern we’ve already seen several times, continues this time as well: You should choose your own favorite based on your preferences, since all the tested cloud providers have their specific strengths and room for improvements. 

We are especially impressed by the performance of smaller and / or not so-well-known cloud vendors, such as Open Telekom Cloud. Oftenthey offer comparable performance and sometimes even more options than their bigger competitors, combined with more personal support and very reasonable pricing. That being said, let’s look into the winners of some categories. And don’t forget to check out our detailed comparison tables on the next pages for more details! 

We will revise the categories and add more tests during the next months. If you miss an important topic or question, we would be delighted to hear from you! 

Send a mail to: report@cloudical.io We keep you informed. 



Test 4/2020:


Backup/Recory and Availability

PDF: Backup Recovery and Availability


PDF: Compute


PDF: IaaS PaaS SaaS Patch Management

Image Service

PDF: Image Service


PDF: Monitoring


Dear cloud report readers, as security represents one of the most sensitive topics, especially in public cloud environments, we want to provide the deserved care and attention to this topic. Therefore, starting from this issue we are approaching this topic in an holistic fashion. In this issue we
introduce and compare different public cloud service providers with respect to their compliance offerings regarding the most important security standards for cloud services.
As data storage and processing location is highly important in terms of compliance, we distinguish the respective compliance offerings with respect to their region of application.
For this reason, the compliance comparison is going to be part of our cloud report issues permanently, and regularly updated. In the upcoming issues we intend to deepen our view into security by selecting relevant security areas, and comparing the different public cloud service providers respectively, as well as providing guidance with respect to the selected security area. We hope that you find our writings useful and inspiring. We are always open to feedback for addressing specific topics of interest as well as for further improvement.

PDF: Security

Software as a Service Applications

PDF: Software as a Service


PDF: Databases DBaaS

Logging as a Service

PDF: Logging as a Service


PDF: Network


PDF: Storage

Software as a Service

PDF: Software as a Service

Container as a Service

PDF: Container as a Service